Taking Action Leads to Success

One of the most satisfying things about coaching business owners is when a client really begins to make strides in achieving their goals. I recently read a small, self-published book titled This vs. That by Bronwyn Bowery-Ireland that contained a chapter that illuminated the real conflict most of us...

Are You Listening?

In February I was able to visit my brother Bill in Corona, California. During the visit we talked about his contracting business, Landmark Site Contractors. Bill and a partner started the business in 1996 as a paving company. By 2001, they had purchased two paving machines and had about 28...

A Living Five Year Plan

I recently heard of a businessman who took two years and created a five year business plan for a business that he hoped to open. Financing was arranged and suppliers were secured, in a large part because the plan was so well thought out and researched. The five year plan...