
As CEO of your business, you know everything there is to know about your product or service. But let’s face it, dealing with people and paperwork are often overwhelming.

As your business grows you will face leadership challenges beyond your comfort zone and you must be ready to stretch your abilities. So where do you go for advice? Employees, people selling advertising or other business products and your Brother-in-law are all willing to give you their suggestions, but if you are looking for experience and professionalism, perhaps a Business Coach is your answer.

A professional Business Coach has no agenda. He is not an employee. He has no ulterior motives. He is not looking for a raise or job security. He’s not related to you. He has no prior track record to “protect” with you. He has no reason to tell you how great you are—or how horrible you are. He is a professional who studies how successful people work and how successful businesses run. He is a business expert. He is the person who will help push you when you are supposed to push, and rest when you are supposed to rest. All great performers have a coach— and you should too!

Our Coaching Program includes:

  • Comprehensive Business Effectiveness Evaluation to determine areas needing improvement
  • Weekly meetings for one hour or more to set and review action plans
  • Follow-up telephone mentoring for questions and consultations between meetings
  • Work with staff to insure Vision and Mission is understood and supported
  • Provide Expertise in Technology and infrastructure issues, Sales, Marketing, Staffing, and Employee Management