Getting Found

Getting Found 1As a certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach I’m always on the lookout for low cost, high impact marketing methods suitable for small business. In fact, part of the materials we supply to our Guerilla Marketing students includes a list of 129 marketing “weapons” to consider adding to their marketing plan. We will be adding number 130 for our upcoming session and recommending it to our coaching clients.

One of the most recent social media marketing opportunities, Google+ has sparked considerable controversy for seemingly receiving priority in Google searches. For an in depth discussion of this topic, you may want to check out Danny Sullivan’s article on the Search Engine Land website at:

Pros and cons of the controversy aside, as a marketer, any tactic that gives you more visibility than your competition is worth trying! Let’s face it, it’s free, takes a relatively small time investment to set up and post to, and could provide a competitive advantage – what’s not to like!

For good or evil, Google+ is a marketing weapon small business owners should consider.